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Crafty Kids Camp (6-12 years)
Location: Charles Lind Brown Recreation Center (1001 Hamar Street, Beaufort)
Duration: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Drop-off allowed no earlier than 8:45am and pick-up no later than 4:15pm. If you require extended care, that is provided at an extra cost through the extended care program**. You must select that add-on during this program registration if your child needs before/after care.

Treat your child to a 2-day camp session filled with fun arts & crafts, cooperative games, indoor and outdoor activities, and more.

*Campers should bring a bag lunch, and a morning and afternoon snack each day. Refrigeration is NOT provided.

ADD-ON (Select during program registration if needed)
**Extended Camp Care Charles Lind Brown Recreation Center: (6-12 years):
Duration: 8:00am to 9:00am & 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Extended Care Drop-off allowed no earlier than 7:45am and pick-up no later than 5:15pm.

Extended care is supervised, but unstructured, time before and after camp for parents whose work schedule requires a little more flexibility with camp drop-off and pick-up times. Movies, board games, and other quiet activities will be provided.

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