Our Rec Centers, Offices, and Pools will be closed November 11 in honor of Veterans Day.
Burton Wells Pickleball Courts are reserved November 16 & 17 for charity tournament.
Bluffton Pool will be closed until February 1, 2025.
Beaufort County Recreation Needs Assessment - Project Schedule
January - February
Task 1 - Client Kickoff Meeting at Buckwalter Park
Monday, January 24
9:00 AM
at Buckwalter Park
Review Project Management, Scope, Discuss Branding & Website Development via In-Person Meeting with WPi / Zoom Meeting with PROS
Task 2 - Park Site Visits with County Staff for inventory and assessment
Monday, January 24
Following Kickoff Meeting, above
Visit Park Sites with County Staff for Inventory and Assessment
Tuesday, January 25
9:00 AM
Park & Facility Site Visits Continue
Monday, February 7
9:00 AM
at Buckwalter Park
Review demographic and recreation trends, launch project Website via Zoom Meeting with WPi and PROS
Task 3 - Community Engagement consisting of in-person meetings
Community Engagement consisting of in-person meetings
(1) Meeting with County Staff and Project Steering Committee
(2) Focus Group meetings with stakeholder and leadership groups
(4) Public Meetings held over a two-night period consisting of:
(1) North of the Broad, (1) South of the Broad, (1) in Dale and (1) in Scott Communities.
Meeting Times & Locations (in-person):
Monday, February 28, 6:00-7:30 PM - Buckwalter Park for South of Broad Input
Tuesday, March 1, Times TBD - Project Steering Committee; Stakeholder & Leadership Meetings
Tuesday, March 1, 5:30-7:00 PM- Burton Wells County Park for North of Broad Input
Tuesday, March 1, 7:30-9:00 PM - Dale Community- Location TBD
Wednesday, March 2, 6:00-7:30 PM - Scott Community – Location TBD
March - June
Task 4 - Community Needs Assessment & Statistically Valid Survey
Utilize community input to develop draft public opinion survey. Review with Staff for input & approval. Issue survey, obtain results and prepare draft report of survey results. Two Zoom meetings held to (1) review draft survey and (1) to review survey findings.
Monday, March 21
9:00 AM
at Buckwalter Park
Zoom meeting to review draft survey instrument
Tuesday, June 28
10:00 AM
at Buckwalter Park
Zoom meeting to review Survey results and draft report
July - September
Task 5 - Needs Analysis & Recommendations
Develop short-, mid- and long-term recommendations and costs for recommendations.
Present draft recommendations in-person, in workshop-style meeting held with Staff & Steering Committee (combined with tasks listed below)
Tuesday, September 27
9:30 AM - 12:30
at Buckwalter Park
In person workshop with Staff & Steering Committee to review this task (Needs Analysis & Recommendations); as well as following tasks to include Rec. Programs & Services Assessment; Level of Service Analysis; Park & Rec Staffing Assessment; Events & Sports Tourism Feasibility/Economic Impact Analysis; and Equity Mapping/General Land Acquisition.
Task 6 - Recreation Programs & Services Assessment
Evaluate overall program & services offerings including core program analysis, lifecycle & similar provider analysis. (Staff & Steering Committee review to be combined with Task 5, above)
Task 7 - Level of Service Analysis
Based on community input, develop unique park and facility classifications specific to Beaufort County. (Staff & Steering Committee review to be combined with Task 5, above)
Additional Scope Task 1 - Parks & Recreation Department Staffing Assessment & Recommendations
Analyze current park and recreation staffing levels and incorporate recommendations based on master plan recommendations. (Staff & Steering Committee review to be combined with Task 5, above)
Additional Scope Task 3 - Athletic Events & Sports Tourism Feasibility Study & Economic Impact Analysis
Evaluate the feasibility and economic impact of local athletic events. Prepare economic impact analysis including potential recommendations for inclusion of sports tourism facilities. (Staff & Steering Committee review to be combined with Task 5, above)
Additional Scope Task 4 - Equity Mapping and General Land Acquisition Recommendations
Direct County Staff to obtain and modify existing GIS mapping for identification of service overlaps and voids. Includes general identification of new parks or facilities within each service district. (Staff & Steering Committee review to be combined with Task 5, above)
October- November
Task 8 - Final Action Plan & Master Plan Report
Prepare draft report including Needs Assessment Action Plan with costs & priorities; Programs & Services Assessment; Staffing Assessment; Sports Tourism Feasibility/Economic Impact Analysis; and Equity Mapping. Present draft documents to Staff & Steering Committee, then Subcommittee of Council, in-person. Present Final documents to County Council for endorsement via meeting that is both Zoom (PROS) & in-person (WPi).
November 7
10:00 AM
at Buckwalter Park
In-person review of draft action plan & master plan w/ Staff & Steering Committee
2:00 PM
Location TBD
In-person review of draft action plan & master plan with Community Services Subcommittee of County Council.
Final Presentation to County Council for Endorsement- Combined Zoom and in-person meeting date TBD